Galvanic coating
Galvanic coating
Also known as electrolyte or electrochemical sedimentation meaning application of protective or decorative layers of metal over the surface of other metals

price from: 500 RUR/item

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The method is based on the electrolysis in the process of which metal ions from a specific solution are deposited on a work piece surface under the influence of the electrical current.

Galvanic coating is widely used as a protection means against corrosion, for improvement of an item aesthetic features as well as thermal and other characteristics. Depending on desired end-product parameters, various metals like tin, copper, nickel, chrome and other could be used in the process.

Galvanic coating
stages of work
our approach
1. Surface preparation
Metallic item surface should be thoroughly cleansed from dirt, grease and other eventual impurities. This is important for durable and even coating.
2. Electrolyte bath
The item is immersed into electrolyte bath containing selected metal salt solution. The solution gets enriched by adding ions of the metal that will be deposited on the work piece surface.
3. Electrical current
Metallic item as well as anode (as a rule, made of the material similar to that of the solution) are connected to a direct current source. Electricity induces sedimentation of the metallic substance from the solution on the metal piece surface.
4. Metal sedimentation
Under the influence of the electrical current, metal ions from the solution get stuck to the surface of the work piece constituting a thin, even layer.
5. Finishing
The produced coating is subjected to a finishing treatment including polishing, removing excess coating material and other manipulations to ensure the required appearance and characteristics of the item.